
Contains functions for working with date and time


STYLE_FULL : number = 0

STYLE_LONG : number = 1

STYLE_MEDIUM : number = 2

STYLE_SHORT : number = 3


newDate(...) - newDate() - returns current date.

newDate(timestamp) - returns date by given timestamp.

newDate(dateString) - parses and returns date by given string.

newDate(pattern, dateString) - parses and returns date by given string in pattern format.

newDate(year, month, day) - returns date by year, month and day.

newDate(year, month, day, hour, minute) - returns date by year, month, day, hour and minute.

newDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) - returns date by year, month, day, hour, minute and second.

Returns DateValue.

newFormat(...) - newFormat() - returns default date format.

newFormat(pattern) - returns date format by given pattern.

newFormat(type) - returns format: 0 - default, 1 - date, 2 - time, 3 - date and time.

newFormat(pattern, locale) - returns date format by given pattern and locale.

newFormat(type, style) - returns format: 0 - default, 1 - date, 2 - time, 3 - date and time. style: 0 - full, 1 - long, 2 - medium, 3 - short.

Returns DateFormatValue.

formatDate(date, format = default) - formats date by given format and returns string


d = date(2016, 4, 8)
println formatDate(d, newFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")) // "2016/05/08"

parseDate(dateString, format = default) - parses date from string by given pattern. Returns DateValue


println parseDate("2016/05/08", newFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"))

toTimestamp(date) - returns timestamp in milliseconds




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