
Contains network functions


http(url) - performs GET-request to url.

http(url, method) - performs request with method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS) to url.

http(url, callback) - performs GET-request to url, response will be send to function callback.

http(url, method, params) - performs request with given method and object params to url.

http(url, method, callback) - performs request with given method to url, response will be send to function callback.

http(url, method, params, callback) - performs request with given method and object params to url, response will be send to function callback.

http(url, method, params, options, callback) - performs request with given method, object params and connection options to url, response will be send to function callback.

Connection options is a object (map):

  • header - sets http-header (string or array).

  • encoded - is params object already urlencoded.

  • content_type - sets Content-Type.

  • extended_result - marks that response should be extended and should contains:

  • text - server response text

  • message - server response message

  • code - server response code

  • headers - response http-header

  • content_length - Content-Length

  • content_type - Content-Type


use "http"
http("", "POST", {"name": "OwnLang", "versionCode": 10}, def(v) {
 println "Added: " + v

download(url) - downloads content by url as bytes array


use "http"
use "files"
bytes = download("http://url")
f = fopen("file", "wb")
writeBytes(f, bytes)

urlencode(str) - converts string to URL-format

results matching ""

    No results matching ""